Friday, May 30, 2008


I love the United States of America. I absolutely love this country, for all it's good and bad. And yes, I hate a vast majority of what the Bush Administration has done, but it hasn't in anyway made me fear that we are all going to hell in a handbasket, and it certainly hasn't made me feel like our country is second rate. Rather, it has made me think, not feel, that our country needs some big changes and shifts in policy. It has made me think that our foreign policy ought to be dictated by facts and reality as opposed to some ethereal theory or belief. Finally, it makes me think that our domestic policy ought to be driven by a desire to make our country and our economic system function for everyone who is willing to put in a full day's work. I also THINK, most Americans would agree with these thoughts. That is why ours is a great country.

So, when I read "news" blurbs like this: SUSAN SARANDON, who appeared in three films last year and won kudos for her TV movie "Bernard and Doris," is still not a contented soul. She says if John McCain gets elected, she will move to Italy or Canada. It makes me want to scream and say, "GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" Why would Sarandon make these comments? Why would all of the celebrities who promised to leave (and unfortunately didn't) if Bush was re-elected in 2004, make such comments? Is it because they believe they are somehow national treasures that we will all feel so horrible over losing? Is it some kind of Hollywood ego trip, wherein they think that some voter in Flint, Michigan is going to say- "oh, well, if Susan is going to leave if McCain is elected, I better vote for Obama. I've lost my job, my home and I'm in danger of losing my kids--losing Susan would just be too much to take and put me over the edge."

Let us please call this for what it is: Bullshit. Love this country or don't. Work to change this country or don't. Complain about this country or don't. I don't care. There are enough good people in this country, doing good, positive things that it make it a great country. If you can't see that, or if you can't see that this is the only country in the world that you could have had the career that you have . . . then you are blind to reality; or worse--stupid. So please, do us all a favor and leave already! Don't wait! Just leave now.

Oh, and Susan . . . one last thing . . . Canada? Are you freaking kidding me!?


NatCraft said...

We may not be going to hell in a handbasket, but all these natural disasters have me worried the world is coming to an end!

I would also like to note that I read a blurb that Martin Sheen said he would not run for office because, get this, he said, "I'm not qualified."

Bernard and Dorris is indeed a delightful movie and Susan NumberOneAmericanPatriot Sarandon has sex with a young black man.

VIS a VIS said...

Umm, I equate her statement with "If you say that again, I'm going to kill you" type things. Superficially, no one really means it.

I think her point is that she sees our country as going farther and farther in the wrong direction, away from the things we loved about it and the things that made it great. It serves little purpose to wax poetic about how great our country WAS or COULD be if it no longer IS great.

To a certain extent, I feel her frustration. Corruption, dirty politics, bad court decisions,an overwhelming sense of apathy for others, bad domestic and foreign policy actions seem to have a reached an all time high. We shouldn't have to squint to see the greatness of our country.

But moving to the most boring country in the world seems to be a silly alternative, Eh? Not sure what she's talking aboot on that one.