Friday, May 2, 2008

H.S. Principal Outing Gay Students?

Here is an interesting story.

If you read this and have an opinion on it, I would really love to hear it.

My opinion boils down to this-- I think what the Principal did was wrong, and I think the method she chose to deal with, what she obviously perceived as a problem, is not likely going to be successful. or legitimate answer to the problem. I also don't believe it was discriminatory, nor do I think it was unconstitutional.

It also bothers me that the ACLU is so quick to jump in. My Consiglieri asked me why it bothers me that the ACLU is getting involved and the reason is this: I don't think this is a constitutional issue and it undermines the good work the ACLU does when they haphazardly jump into these issues.

So, well . . . that is my opinion-- I am definitely interested in hearing yours!

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