Friday, May 16, 2008

Matthews Owns His Guest

I don't know how many of you watch Hardball. It is an entertaining show for sure, though Chris Matthews can be, at times, difficult to take and better in small doses. However, he will seldom be accused of not knowing his stuff.

Below you will see a video with Matthews at his best, absolutely OWNING a right-wing blabber mouth talking about Bush's insinuation that Obama is an appeaser because he is willing to talk with our enemies. Blabber mouth Kevin James compares Obama to Neville Chamberlain as an appeaser. When pressed by Matthews on what exactly most people frown upon Neville Chamberlain for, or asked the simple, historical question: what did Neville Chamberlain do? James has absolutely no answer and Matthews rightly calls him out on it.

The issue is not that this guy didn't know what Neville Chamberlain did. Rather, the issue is that this guy went on television and said Obama was analagous to Chamberlain, who he said was a Nazi appeaser. This is a serious charge levelled, but he clearly had no idea what he was talking about. It was just empty rhetoric, shouted with volume. And we wonder why people are so often turned off by politics. It's because of imbeciles like this clown.

Enjoy the video!

1 comment:

NatCraft said...

That was painful. Unfortunately I am getting used to it, as that is what it's like trying to have a topical conversation with the B.O.M.E.