Monday, May 5, 2008

(It Appears . . .) HE'S BAAAACK

After intense coverage of everything Rev. Wright and after Obama's complete distancing of himself from Rev. Wright, it appears Obama's numbers that had been lagging are now resurgent.

I think this is because of two things: 1) I truly think that Rev. Wright's performances last week (whether orchestrated in concert with the Obama campaign as I cheekily suggested, or not) were so over-the-top that it was helpful to Obama. Even people who don't love Obama don't believe that he is that crazy or over the top and I think Rev. Wright, on his own, separated himself from Obama and I think that Obama did his part well and 'nipped the issue in the bud'. 2) Obama's message of change resonates with people and a lot of people are looking for reasons to LIKE him as opposed to looking for reasons not to like him. He is a likeable guy and he is new. There is at least some segment of the population that is yearning for change and when faced with the prospect of another Clinton in the White House-- they blink.

This is why I think Obama will win North Carolina and be close enough to make it of no difference in Indiana.

At that point--what is the Clinton argument?

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