Monday, April 28, 2008


Okay, so I don't know how many people read or heard about this. A dolphin dying because of an accident in an aerial show. This is certainly sad, but the reaction to it is funny to me.

Sea World, where the accident occurred, said that it was an entirely "unfortunate, random incident."

They then follow the statement (because in this day and age you must) with a hilarious follow-up (wait for it . . . its great): "While it is not unusual to have two animals performing aerial behaviors at the same time, we are reviewing the situation to ensure even such a random incident does not occur again."

Even though it was random, a freak incident, they are going to review and make sure such a random incident doesn't occur again. THAT is funny.

Shit happens is a cliched phrase for a reason, mostly because shit happens and its random and crazy and CANNOT be prevented.

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