Friday, April 25, 2008

Not sure I love this trend...

From a NYTIMES movie review of the new Harold & Kumar film:

At one point the movie’s titular heroes drop in on a friend who’s having a “bottomless” party at which there seem to be only female guests, and the movie loses some credibility when it declines to show the full extent of its stars’ eventual participation in the festivities. Dudes, if the dude in “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” could put his business up on the screen, then so can you. It’s a whole new world.

I for one, am not sure that I WANT to exist in a whole new world with male frontal nudity! Just saying . . .

1 comment:

VIS a VIS said...

And I say, all's fair in movies and money. I may not WANT to see a majority of male actors pantsless, but I haven't WANTED to see a majority of the female actors nude either. So, we've reached a "Show me yours and I'll show you mine" era of movies.