Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Rabbit in the Hat?

Just a quick thought that occurred to me while reading Obama's "outraged" comments on Rev. Wright.

Its been suggested that perhaps the Clinton campaign is behind Wright's recent resurfacing. My thought is this: maybe its the Obama campaign that is working in concert with Wright. Sure, it would be a gamble, bringing him back to the national spotlight now. But if Obama really believes he has the nomination virtually wrapped up--then why not? Have Wright make a couple of outrageous speeches and give Obama a second chance to really separate himself, to perhaps call a press conference just for the sake of doing so. Then, by the time the general election rolls around--Obama has stripped the McCain campaign of the ammunition it would take from the Wright situation. Certainly the Republicans won't let it drop that easily, but the thinking could be that the American people will respect and better understand Obama if, now that the first strategy, the race speech, didn't make the issue go away completely, he now calls a press conference because of NEW Wright comments and slams him, condemns him and completely severs all ties.

I could see that being an effective strategy for Obama.

Of course, its far more likely that this quick little thought of mine is wrong and that it is more conventional politics being played out . . .

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