Wednesday, April 23, 2008

On to the politics...

Being the complete nerd that I am, I subscribe to the mailing lists of both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. This means that I get both of their spin emails. After last night's PA primary, these are the emails I received. It is interesting to observe the differing accounts of what is happening in this race.

Dear Eric,

Thanks to you, we won a critically important victory tonight in Pennsylvania. It's a giant step forward that will transform the landscape of the presidential race. And it couldn't have happened without you. There will be much more to do beginning tomorrow. But tonight, let's just celebrate the fact that you and I are part of a remarkable community of people tough enough, passionate enough, and determined enough to win big when everything is on the line. Thanks so much for all you do.


Hillary Rodham Clinton


Votes are still being counted in Pennsylvania, but one thing is already clear.
In a state where we trailed by more than 25 points just a couple weeks ago, you helped close the gap to a slimmer margin than most thought possible.
Thanks to your support, with just 9 contests remaining, we've won more delegates, more votes, and twice as many contests.
We hold a commanding position, but there are two crucial contests coming up -- voters will head to the polls in North Carolina and Indiana in exactly two weeks. And we're already building our organization in the other remaining states.
But it's clear the attacks are going to continue, and we're going to continue fighting a two-front battle against John McCain and Hillary Clinton.

I need your support right now. Please make a donation of $25:

Thank you for all that you're doing to change our country.


First and foremost let me be clear, I have done absolutely nothing to help either of them, yet they are so gracious in thanking me.

To Hill: I don't want you to win, so while you praise "us," "you and I" for being so tough, resilient and victorious when all is on the line, it makes me mostly annoyed that you just won't go away!!!

To Barry: Enough already! I like you and I want you to win, but seriously . . . talking about your victories in February won't permeate the zeitgeist today! Nobody likes watching the team that gets out to a big lead and then sits on it while the other team is scrapping away, trying to come back. Most people watching end up rooting for the scrappy team to pull off the improbable comeback. You would be correct that the result of this tactic is usually victory. In politics as in sports however, the next game is just as important and your sitting on the lead and refusal to engage in the game is turning people off to you. You're better than this, you are the more talented athlete. Don't let yourself be out hard-worked and out-fought by the scrappy Clintons!

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