Wednesday, April 23, 2008

DOH! Give her money!

Dear Eric,

This campaign is your campaign, and the victory we celebrated last night is your victory. Now, thanks to you, the tide is turning in this race. We never stopped believing in one another, never doubted that we could count on each other. You didn't quit, and when I'm president, I promise I won't quit on you. Now with the next critical contests right around the corner, we need your immediate help to build on the hard-earned momentum of our Pennsylvania victory and continue our success all the way to the nomination.

Contribute today to help carry our momentum to Indiana, North Carolina, West Virginia, and beyond.

Even though the Obama campaign went for broke trying to knock us out of the race, the people of Pennsylvania had other ideas. We connected with Pennsylvania families who know they need a strong leader who's on their side to turn around the battered Bush economy and end President Bush's disastrous war in Iraq. And as this redefined contest moves across the country, we'll keep connecting. I'm in this race to fight for you. And you know you can count on me to keep fighting for you every day. And as long as we keep working together, we'll wrest control of the White House from the Republicans and defeat John McCain. I'm going to continue to rely on your heart and your spirit every step of the way.

Contribute now, and together, we can carry our winning message to victory.

Thanks to you, we're on a roll. And with your immediate help, we'll keep moving forward until we've won the Democratic nomination, won the November election, and earned the opportunity to lead America in a new, more promising direction. Thanks so much for believing in me and believing in how much we can accomplish if we keep pulling together.


Hillary Rodham Clinton

I wonder if it will work for me, if after ever paragraph I write, I insert [contribute now]?

The most promising line I see is that she wants to "lead America in a new, more promising direction."

Which direction is that? And how, if you are so experienced, and you're running on your husband's record, can you argue that you and ONLY you are capable of leading in a NEW direction?

Why can't she just say-- we like the status quo, don't like to rock the boat in this country, vote for me and we can continue with the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton status quo that has made this country great?! Clearly that is what we will be getting.

  • I know that its probably apostasy to suggest so, but the Democratic tactic of trying to label John McCain as another 4 years of the Bush administration is lame and won't work. It won't work because its not true, and the Democrats are treating everyone like idiots when they try and sell that line.

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