Thursday, January 13, 2011

One Issue News Week

I really try to avoid writing about Former Half Term Governor Sarah Palin. She contributes nothing but vitriol and only is where she is because the press repeats every nonsensical, trivial thought someone on her staff posts on Facebook or Twitter ad nauseum. So, I apologize in advance, but our wonderful media (should I call it lamestream media - its so creative!) seems to be only covering one non-issue these past few days. I'm going to post The Daily Beasts's comparison and move on, hopefully to not talk about Palin for quite some time:

The prematurely retired Alaska governor had to serve up her remarks, really a litany of complaints against her critics and political adversaries, while seated in front of a non-working stone fireplace, apparently at her home in Wasilla—a claustrophobic setting framed by an outsize American flag.

The president got to deliver his affecting half-hour of heartfelt reflection and soulful inspiration—repeatedly interrupted by standing ovations—to an arena at the University of Arizona filled to the rafters with 14,000 mourners, notably members of his Cabinet and the Supreme Court, the governor of Arizona, the astronaut-husband of wounded Rep. Gabby Giffords, the heroes who risked their own lives to save others, the doctors and nurses who tended the injured and bleeding, and the friends and families of the six people, including a 9-year-old girl, who were killed by a gun-wielding maniac Saturday morning at a shopping center.

So Palin pulled her typical nonsense - playing the victim and throwing out terms she doesn't understand to incite others ("blood libel"). Obama orates eloquently and moves an entire nation. Seems about on par.

H/T Daily Kos


Teri said...

Pretty much. President Obama made it all about the people who were affected by the attack. Palin made it all about her. It says a lot.

Unknown said...

woah dobber, tell us how you really feel about palin