Monday, January 3, 2011

I Wonder if the Rules Will Still Apply

A combination of the President's vacation in Hawaii, the end of the 111th Congress, and our own vacations have brought this blog to a screeching halt. But as the 112th Congress returns, we're going to see some hilarity coming out of the House. I'm really wondering if the Republicans will keep harping about their "deficit reductions" and "new rules" in the House when it's fairly obvious they are merely words with no meaning behind them. Case in point:

CAF's Bll Scher makes what would be a very good point about the House GOP's new "cutgo" spending rule.

The House Republican leadership has announced it will enact two things immediately upon taking control of the House this week: a new "CutGo" rule to require revenue offsets for any increases in spending, and the repeal of the Affordable Care Act health reform law.

The Republicans might want to pass health reform repeal first.

Because if they install "CutGo" rules first, they won't be able to repeal health reform without also finding $1 trillion in spending cuts over the next two decades to make up for the taxpayer savings they'll be throwing away.

Which would have been the case had they not already blown a big ol' loophole in their own rule

This should be rich. No pun intended.

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