Wednesday, December 19, 2007

While CNN has their famous (-ly infamous) Youtube debates- the Cynical Political brings to you today a Gchat debate about the Republican side of politics between myself and my consiglieri.

The level of sophistication may be somewhat lacking...however, certainly no more so than the Youtube debate.

Enjoy~ As always, please jump into the debate and give your comments!

ME: i really want fred thompson to drop out and give his support to mccain

Consiglieri (CON): that would be nice

if mccain voters would just transfer

ME: it crystallized in my head last night that the only chance

(in my mind)

that the republicans have to win is if they nominate mccain, or the

dems nominate hillary

CON: or both

i think rudy can win a general election

ME: what have you seen in his campaign that would

make you believe that?

CON: what we've already seen doesn't matter

it what comes later because ppl dont remember this far back

ME: yeah, but hasn't he shown an ability to get out of his own way

he keeps tripping over stupid stuff

he needs someone to come in, clean house with the campaign and shape the ship up

CON: so did john kerry

and someone will if he has the full support of the GOP

ME: but the candidate himself has to be amenable

and kerry KEPT making dumb mistakes

CON: kerry IS a dumb mistake

and rudy proved to be amenable

he is a republican who won the mayorship of one of the most liberal

cities in the country with a population as high as several states

ME: what is acceptable behavior in NYC, is not necessarily

acceptable behavior in red state america-

i think a giuliani candidacy puts a lot more states in play for the democrats

which i welcome of course

CON: i think it also puts a lot more states in play for

the republicans - say new york

if you get ny, you may get nj and CT

ME: if obama got the nod- can you imagine him on

the trail talking the lord and his dreams from his father...

juxtaposed with rudy talking about judy, his kids who hate

him (and support obama) and his buddy bernie kerick

in conjunction with 9/11!

CON: 9/11



and the bible belt loves it

ME: and they will just ignore judy?

CON: everyone has for so long

ME: in new YORK...

he gets the nod...and this all gets

CON: i just think hes centrist enough to win

you figure each candidate should get 40% in any normal election

thats the party's base

leaves 20% of independents that really decide the election

someone in the center, guiliani, is going to do much better than

someone on the far right, bush or huckabee or the nuevo mitt,

and have a better chance to win

for the same reason a mccain can win

except mccain is about 100 years old and has some weird

chipmunk thing going on in his mouth

ME: but that chipmunk thing is cute...he's dimply and

grandpa-y...oh, and he can get the base out since he is

right (for them) on the war and taxes...and he behaves younger

than the lothario rudy g

CON: if he runs, people will have to like his vp candidate

alot more than usual

cause he looks older than he is, and hes pretty old for

president nowadays to begin with

ME: ronald-f'in- reagan


which, mind you, is because reagan was braindead for 6 of his 8 years

ME: okay, so to wrap this up- you think rudy g could

win a general...but who do you think will ultimately be nominated?

CON: at this point i want to say huckabee and instantly shudder

ME: you don't think he will fall off after finishing last in NH?

CON: i dont think he'll finish last in NH

and then no, he will dominate the south

ME: what about a scenario whereby romney comes in a

close second in IA, wins NH by a sizable margin and then

catches rudy in florida? thats what i see happening...i think...

today anyway in this hour

CON: and when huckabee wins SC?

ME: im not convinced mccain won't win sc,

especially with a good finish in NH

notice that neither of us think rudy wins any of the first states?

CON: yeah i think hes done

ME: and he is still the "national" front runner...if he

pulls it off, i think it would legitimately shift campaign

strategic dynamics

CON: no he isnt

"huckaboom" caught him

ME: no, well not as of sunday anyway

[link that shows Huckabee has tied Giuliani]

ME: damn- now i am truly frightened...can you imagine a

huckabee-obama campaign? would it be a classic,

soft-spoken "nice-off" with only undertones of back

biting by unnamed sources?

CON: there may be some gentle petting

ME: huckabee: im nicer and love more of jesus than you do

obama: well, mike, you love more of a lot of things obviously

CON: well obama is a moslem rremember

according to hilary

ME: which, if hucks has a problem with mormon,

he'll sure have a problem with the mohammeden

CON: well at least you can argue islam isnt a cult

ME: thats a straight shot to 1600 PA Ave

CON: amen


VIS a VIS said...

My two cents:

As an actual witness to 9/11 and an active participant in the clean-up and restoration of both the City and the people, I feel the need to add another perspective on Rudy. It is easy for "outsiders" to glaze over and underestimate what he did. It is very difficult for me to believe that another could have handled the situation as fabulously as he did and impossible for me to believe that someone could have done a better job. He "held" the City together literally and figuratively. And, through it all, he was "one of us." He shared in our pain and suffered with us. As a result, those directly effected by the nightmare that was 9/11 will always have the utmost respect for Rudy.

I support him in his use of his 9/11 experience in his candidacy. It is, by far, the best example of successful leadership.

If I had to vote for a Republican, I would definitely vote for him. However, I'm all about Hillary and I support the showing of her cleavage.

Unknown said...

My three cent retort:

As an actual witness AND TARGET of 9/11, I feel the need to semi sort of agree ms. green on the matter (ribbit). While Rudy was stoic and "held the city together," I think many people could have done the same. I mean, Bush held the country together until he built up the political capital to pursue divisive politics and implement bad policies.

In order to use his 9/11 experience, Rudy must demonstrate that he will actually fight the war on terror and go after terrorism and its roots, not invade a country that did not attack us on 9/11 and had no ties to terrorism (or WMD for that matter). In fact, the goals of the Saddam regime and al qaeda are fundamentally at odds.

If Rudy wants to rely on his 9/11 experience, he cannot also use it as a scare tactic and buzz phrase. That being said, I would vote for Rudy over Hillary any day of the week and twice on sundays (too bad election day is a tuesday). He is America's mayor!

VIS a VIS said...

Yes, tmk, I'm quite certain that you, and you alone, were the target of 9/11. Let's delve slightly deeper into this. Rudy was the mayor of NYC during 9/11. Everyone has heard of how he handled the situation. It is well known fact. Although he didn't have the power to invade, attack or declare war, he went above and beyond the "call of duty."

What other official is known for outstanding leadership ON THE HOME FRONT during the aftermath of 9/11?

Foreign policy is definitely an important issue, but if you can't take care of business at home as well, you just aren't up to par.

No candidate can literally prove what they would do as President, they can only SPEAK of what they would do, as they all are doing.

Bush hasn't successfully done anything except create an unending source of humor (at his expense).

As stated previously, if I had to choose a Republican, it would be Rudy, but I don't agree with him on every point.

I hope Hillary and her breasts that refuse to disappear and "I don't look 20 anymore because I'm not" face wipes the floor with the other candidates. *fingers crossed*

Multi-talented but unemployed, J.D. said...

1. Consiglieri is a slightly better nickname than The Married Kid

2. WTF do I waste all day gchatting with you two about R Kelly and pot lucks while you have meaningful discussions with each other?

3. Hillary's cleavage doesn't have anything on Infinity's

4. I will support any candidate who features floating religious symbols in their ads

VIS a VIS said...

The unseen comments (edited for clarity)

Dubs: you now have the honor and the privilege of reading my response to your comment

me: if I must

Dubs: you don't must
but you can

me: ok
because that made me laugh,
I will

Dubs: just don't you forget that NY wasn't the only place where 9/11 happened, you people tend to forget that

me: right but what did the officials in dc do for DC during 9/11?
fabulous leadership, that was my point

Dubs: the federal govt?

me: mayors, etc and the govt

Dubs: i'm assuming anthony williams snorted some coke,
bought some hookers,
and prob embezzled some money

me: it's a shame he's not running for president

Dubs: but you can't compare the district to NYC because we had secret service, army reserves, and fighter planes patrolling the city

me: if we are going to talk victim of 9/11 we are (going to compare)

Dubs: i'm just saying, i was living 2 blocks from the white house, which was the next target on the list (the plane that got taken down in PA)

me: so, really, you didn't know that when it was happening
and [a] building didn't fall on you.
I'm not trying to get into who was more effected by it, I'm just saying, Rudy didn't have to do all that he did, and officials in this area (DC) didn't appear to do much of anything

Dubs: i'm sure we were both equally effected, were you in the WTC?

me: no, I was living in the area and was chosen by the mayor and manager of Ridgewood, NJ (a major commuter town)to head the relief center

Dubs: oh yeah? thats pretty impressive

me: finding the missing, connecting them to their families, relaying the news that someone didn't survive,and helping the rescue workers hose off the ash when they came back from a shift

Dubs: yeah all i got is that i watched the pentagon burn from the roof of my building
i wasn't involved but it was my 2nd week after i moved out of my parents house

me: I had to leave after we shut down the center
I still remember the 10 lone cars in the train parking lot

Dubs: all died?

me: about half the men in the city(Ridgewood) died
but the wives and family members of those 10 couldn't handle bringing home their spouses vehicles

Dubs: thats sad

me: yes, I moved to Denver

Dubs: yeah i bet

me: so, I win and we like Rudy

Dubs: how does that make you win?

me: MR. I WAS A TARGET was less involved than me.
I win

Dubs: haha