Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The sky is falling...

This article dutifully points out the downside of the "chicken little," slippery slope argument against the healthcare mandate:

Think about it. If the asparagus and broccoli are really coming to knock down our doors and kidnap our children, can helicopters loaded with cauliflower really be that far behind? And what of the eggplant in night-vision goggles? If we're soon to be governed by a totalitarian taxonomy of toxic greens, who—one wonders—will sound the warning against the tyrannical field peas?


Unknown said...

How about another compromise? The federal government will require us to eat 3 servings of vegetables daily and we'll cut the budget by eliminating farm subsidies. Oh wait, that's some wasteful spending in Republican districts. It must be OK!

Unknown said...

if you guys post about farm subsidies I promise a 12 hour rant from me.