Monday, February 4, 2008


I am pleased to post a column today from a friend and colleague (both as a blogger and as a co-worker). She is also a frequent contributor in adding constructive comments on this site. She can be found regularly here. Enjoy!

I have much to say about Oprah Winfrey. In fact I really don't like Oprah and how she sometimes acts so high and mighty and how she tries to save the world. That being said, I think she really is a good example of someone with a massive amount of means who truly does give to others. And I LOVE that she is using her influence to stump for Obama.

I love that Oprah is using her power, influence, and understanding of the issues to encourage her viewers to vote. It's the undereducated middle America that is so easily persuaded by what they see on tv, rather than the true issues and their actual implications on life. For example, it absolutely kills me that many people believe by allowing civil same sex marriage that all of the sudden gays will be parading into churches and demanding to have a religious marriage. Hello, that is up to each religion and our government will not force that on you. Nor does supporting stem cell research mean that babies are being cloned and killed for stem cells. So I appreciate that Oprah can "dumb down" the electoral process and make Obama an attractive candidate to her fans.

The fact that "Oprah Winfrey has been dubbed a 'traitor' by some of her female fans for supporting Barack Obama instead of Hillary Clinton" is what is truly wrong with the voting public. I believe in gender equality. I believe a woman can be President. But I, like Oprah just happen to believe that Barack Obama is a better candidate for President than Hillary Clinton. What about that makes me a "traitor?" And a traitor to what?! My gender? I absolutely abhor the idea that I should vote for someone because we share the fact that we both have XX chromosomes.

Call me cynical, call me a downer, but I have little faith in the electoral process. Not because of the Electoral College or because automated voting machines malfunction or because geriatric voters can't punch a ballot thoroughly but because so many of the American public are swayed by flashing lights and exposes on the price of a candidate's haircut. I fear that our candidate who might TRULY bring about change, with a youthful face and fresh ideas will not survive the primaries because the ignorant vote based on what is or isn't between their legs. And for that reason, I applaud Oprah for attempting to get a great political message through to the masses, in a language they can understand.


VIS a VIS said...

I disagree that O “dumbs it down” for her "people." Rather, she says what she's doing
without really explaining the why of it and fully expects her Cult-y following to follow. While I can agree that it is always a good thing when more people get out and vote, in this instance, they still aren't doing it for any rational reason, except that O told them too.
I have a very hard time accepting that anything O does is genuine or with the best of intentions. I’m sorry, but she's too rich and too greedy, she pulls down at least $260 million a year and at last count, had a net worth of $1.4 Billion ( Yes, she claims to do a lot in the name of charity, but does it really seem that charitable in the context of tax write-offs?
In addition to her show, and her magazine (she’s on EVERY cover, without shame), she’s also starting her own television station, called OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network, I believe). I have a very difficult time believing that she truly cares about anyone but herself. She is a great role model in terms of making something of oneself, she’s hardworking and definitely responsible for where she is today. However, she is smart enough to know that her “following” will fall for the "do-gooder, I'm a real person like you" act.

And, I think she's racist (and I’m not alone in this,, hence the “snubbing of her gender.” Maybe that's her choice and perhaps justified but it doesn't make me want to support her in anyway.

And as an aside, if O wants her “following” to vote, she should also set up an easy access voter registry, because a large percentage are probably NOT registered, given the statistics. According to the last census, there are about 303 million Americans, of which only 126 million voted in the last election, which was a record high. What are the odds that all 49 million Oprah viewers are registered, especially given that “more than half are older than 50, 44 percent make less than $40,000 a year and about 25 percent have no more than a high school diploma, according to Nielsen Media Research.”

If she truly wanted to support Obama and educate her “following,” she would have a show or shows teaching a better understanding of this country’s democratic process; the benefits of being registered, voting and following the issues; and preach the necessity of making your own informed decision. (and by “OWN” I do not mean the Oprah Winfrey Network).

I'm not following the O thing with a fine tooth comb, because it makes me want to gag,
but she spends more time talking about "the better candidate" without really saying anything and talking about HER feelings than any thing that could possibly be taken as educational to the public. In my eyes, she's a black female Pat Robertson, preaching her own religion. I can't wait for her to run for president…and basically buy the position.

NatCraft said...

I think that's a great idea to have an Oprah show on civics rather than on the right clothes for your body type.

That's a serious comment... don't you have a job? ;)

Christian and Lily's Mommy said...

I couldn't agree with you more.

Many of the Oprah followers are stay-at-home Moms like myself. Try having an intelligent, thought provoking conversation with most SAHM is like pulling teeth (IMHO). She is using her influence to call attention to a very important election, and very important issues. She is reaching these SAHM's who only talk about E! Weekend News, diapers, and preschools. And, in all honesty, Oprah GETS the SAHM population. As an Oprah fan, and an Obama supporter, I applaud her efforts to endorse a candidate who promises positive change, that will DIRECTLY impact our families for the better.

...enough of my stumping....back to watching Judge Judy, ironing, and researching preschools...all while having feeding my baby, paying our bills, and writing thank you notes...ah, the life of a SAHM.