Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Younger Generation

My Dad wrote me an email the other day after the Obama victory in Iowa and said "its about time your generation showed up." While its certainly true that our generation has been sparse in turning out for elections, I believe the movement surrounding Obama and the massive turnout of younger voters in Iowa shows one thing--our generation will show up when there is something to show up for. Our generation will show up when there is a candidate who decides that, regardless of the common wisdom that young people don't vote, we're not going to alienate them and we are going to speak to them and we are going to engage them. Its what Obama has decided to do and it is what Clinton failed to do (and is now attempting to correct). It seems to me that it is another clear example of the old Democratic order with the traditional leadership and interest groups lining up behind Clinton versus a new Democratic order with a younger generation lining up behind Obama.

The race in NH is a dead-heat and is very exciting. But more than simply a race between Clinton and Obama, perhaps the race is more indicative of a greater struggle in the Democratic party between new and old.

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