Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Debt, Unemployment and the Growing American Inequities

Yesterday, the two NYTIMES Op-Eds could not have been more relevant to one another. Both columns, by David Brooks and Bob Herbert, were excellent examinations of the growing plight of many Americans. A plight that is not easily fixable and therefore, not readily addressed by either presumptive nominees for the major parties. Please take a moment to check out these articles, they are well worth the read.

Out of Sight
B. Herbert

The Great Seduction
D. Brooks

1 comment:

NatCraft said...

Wow what interesting pieces. When I read the first one I immediately recalled a documentary I saw on young skinheads. These kids were drawn to this group because they were often unable to get the most menial of jobs. What else could they do? Where should they turn?

And the second piece is great because it reminded me that when it comes to debt, those of us who lived off credit cards while we were in school are really no different than those getting cash advances from check cashing shops. It's all debt. Debt is the common plight that is crossing the social boundaries. And it's a shame.