"They literally think you can just balance it, you know, by cutting waste, fraud and abuse, foreign aid and NPR, and it doesn't work like that."
-- House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI), quoted by the Washington Post, on lawmakers and Tea Party activists who believe the deficit can be reduced without substantial cuts to Medicare and Social Security benefits.
At least Representative Ryan is right that we can't balance the budget by ending fraud and waste while cutting discretionary spending. However, I love that the chairman of the House Budget Committee doesn't know that Social Security doesn't add to the deficit. And I'll add one more thing. Representative Ryan literally thinks you can balance the budget by cutting taxes. It doesn't work like that.
1 comment:
How about, God forbid, getting rid of the tax cuts for the wealthy and taking away "person-hood" from corporations?? How about reelection reform where no politician is dependent on lobbyists for advertising, which will be provided free as a public service in equal amounts for EVERYONE? How about REAL debates, with regular people asking unanticipated/unrehearsed questions in an orderly and respectful fashion, to be answered in an orderly and respectful fashion by the candidates? Perhaps...that would do something about a "balanced budget"????
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