Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Reader Comments

I've previously expressed my frustrations with the country's myopic media. It feels like all we've heard about this past week is Egpyt. I kind of feel badly for Jon Huntsman, who is losing all his good press time. Anyway, my friend Gabe left a comment to my last post about this subject on facebook that I wanted to share:
Uh, speaking of Tunisia, where did they go? They execute a successful peaceful revolution and get what, one day in the news? Now it's all "Egypt Egypt Egypt" all the time, and they haven't even done anything. Big deal that there's thousands of young people in the streets, there are always thousands of young Egyptians in the streets, because none of them have jobs. This is a revolution of Lebowskis. How about we spend a little more time giving kudos to Tunis, yeah?


Unknown said...

Rock on Gabe!

Teri said...

The United States, and the oil and military companies, have a much larger stake in Egypt, and by extension, Israel and its neighbors, than in Tunisia.