Thursday, December 16, 2010

Big Books Are Scary

From TPM:

Minutes later, in one of the most chortling colloquies of the 111th Congress, Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Mark Kirk (R-IL) gloated over the defeat of the spending bill.

Kirk, the most junior member of the Senate asked, "Did we just win?"

McCain responded, "I think there's very little doubt that the Majority Leader of the United States Senate would not have taken the action he just took if we didn't have 41 votes to stop this monstrosity."

Kirk continued, "so for economic conservatives, a 1,924-page bill just died?

"A 1,924-page bill just died," McCain responded laughing.

Can I just ask why the length of the bill is more important to Senator Kirk than the actual spending contained in it? Does a bill become a poor bill at a certain page limit?

1 comment:

Burnsy said...

Well, if it's longer there is more space for "government" to hide in it.