Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Damn White Women!

Why is Barack Obama not putting Hillary away?

If you ask MSNBC's Chuck Todd, its because of "Obama can't close the deal with white women."


Is that racist or is Chuck Todd as obsessed with the double entendre as I am? He said the above phrase over and over again all morning on "Morning Joe" and even sent it to me in his daily political update text message.

On another note . . . yes, I receive daily text message political updates from Chuck Todd.


NatCraft said...

This is what I like to see! Burnsy being intelligent, entertaining, and admitting that he's a big loser... daily political text messages AND emails from two campaigns?! Come on!

VIS a VIS said...

Although I am and have always been for The Hill, in Barry's defense, I imagine it must be(sometimes)quite hard to close the deal with white women. We are a complex enigma, a barrel-full of contradictions, and, although we may claim to be easy to please, we are never 100% happy and will always find just one more thing to complain about. Perhaps if he were just a smidge better looking...