I am sitting at work and very excited about the Iowa Caucuses tonight...I just asked Kermit if it was a bad thing that I became palpably upset when I went to NYTIMES.COM and saw that they were covering more than the primaries. She informed me that, yes, life goes on and does not solely exist within my tiny, political vacuum of a life.
Anyway, I'm going to give updated projections because 'tis the season and I think I'm correct this time.
- Barack Obama
- John Edwards
- Hillary Clinton
- Mitt Romney
- Mike Huckabee
- John McCain
I am going to an Obama rally/"thing" in Arlington tonight, which will be a helluva lot more fun if he wins. So lets hope my projections are better than the consistency of my posting!
I wish you'd write about how the Michigan democratic primary is irrelevant and your feelings on that. I used to get fired up for the primaries, but I feel there is no point this year.
PS-I do not like that Blogger is using my middle name.
Nice predictions (1 out of 2 ain't bad).
I never thought it would happen, but Obama has all the momentum right now. New Hampshire has a lot more independent voters than Iowa does, and Obama killed Hillary among the independents.
I think the more interesting race is for the Republican nomination. I don't know what I'll do if that idiot Huckabee wins. I hoping that what last night really means is that McCain or Guiliani have a real shot at taking down Romney. Once Thompson loses New Hampshire and South Carolina, I think he'll bow out.
My comment on the Michigan Democratic Primary is this:
1) It sucks (I'm still a registered Michigan voter...so I can't vote, or I could vote for Mike Gravel 'cause it would be funny...or, I suppose I could vote in the Republican race for John McCain).
2)Sen. Levin had good intentions in pushing for the primary to be moved up and I am happy that the Michigan Legislature obliged--it was a GOOD idea because the current system with Iowa and New Hampshire being the key states to winning a nomination is at best absurd. Someone needed to push the envelope and fight the system and I am proud that Michigan and Florida did.
3) The DNC can't be faulted for their response. They control the election process and they have to respond when their control is threatened.
4) The answer is to have more states challenge the system and test the DNC's resolve. Eventually the DNC will have to relent or reach a compromise with the states to bring more of them into the early selection process.
In response to Schulz:
Yeah, I share your distaste for Huckabee, although I don't think he is the simpleton, idiot he is caricatured as. I agree with Peggy Noonan who suggests that he has shrewdly tapped into a current of discontent. (http://opinionjournal.com/columnists/pnoonan/) However, I have to believe that the clock is going to run out on him. I just cannot see the GOP nominating him. I'm hoping for McCain because I'm also hoping for Obama. I think that election would be good for America (and actually- probably good for the GOP as well).
As far as my predictions-at least I got the Democrats right and in order. I agree that the GOP race becomes far more interesting than the Dems if and when Obama wins NH. If Clinton wins, I think it remains equally interesting.
I think the GOP race has the potential to become like the '92 Democratic Primary, where Harkin won Iowa, Tsongas won NH, I believe Brown (or possibly Hart) won Colorado and Bill Clinton won the nomination. That could be a lot of fun to watch!
Yay to using Kermit as an alias! And yay for change! And here's to hoping that after he gets the nomination Obama gets a new campaign slogan!
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